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B i o g r a p h y

I am a Brazilian-Canadian composer and producer of music for film, TV, stage, games, and the concert hall, with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I have created original scores for projects in the UK, USA, Canada, China, and Brazil, and received multiple awards for my work, including Best Score at the Los Angeles Film Awards and a nomination for the Crystal Pine Award at the International Sound and FIlm Music Festival in Croatia. 


Currently, I run my own studio, Buëndia Film Music Studio, where I collaborate with filmmakers, game developers, and musicians from around the world, crafting music that enhances the story, emotion, and the narrative power of visual media. I am also a principal singer at Laudate Singers and music technology instructor at Kwantlen Polytechnic  University (Canada).

My passion is to create music that has a deep sense of storytelling, and strongly speaks to authenticity and creativity. 




"André Luiz Machado's score frames the action so well, a feature that is not usually as striking as it should be in our cinema".

Original PT-BR: "A trilha de André Luiz Machado emoldura tão bem a ação, uma característica que não costuma ser tão marcante quanto deveria no nosso cinema"

(Francisco Carbone, As Verdades film review at Cenas de Cinema)

"(...) its powerful sense of purpose is beautifully put together, in a style that almost creates a new genre in electronic classical."

(Steve Sheppard, One World Music Radio Saturn Voyager Suite review)

"It impresses me the way the strength of your music carries the audience..."
(Ian Guest, Hungarian composer & Arranger)

"This is first-class work all round..."

(John Pickard, British Composer)



André Luiz Machado, LA
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